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Board of Finance Minutes 03/09/2010
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall Meeting Hall.
~Present:~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~Andrew Russell, Wayne Devoe, H. P. Garvin, III,
Christopher Kerr, Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ David Kelsey, Judy Read

Timothy C. Griswold, First Selectman, Ex-Officio
Nicole Stadjuhar, Finance Director
Doris Johnson, Finance Administrator
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~
    ~~~~~~~~~Alternate Members:~  Maggie Ward
Guests: Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman
Ed Adanti, Public Works Director
Don Bugbee, Director, Parks and Recreation
Gail Fuller,     Sound View
Charlie Delinks, Harbor Management Commission member
Ron Rose, Sanitarian
John Flower, Asst. Sanitarian
Tom Risom, Chairman, Water Pollution Control Authority
Bob Pierson, President, OLFD
Ellis Jewett,   Old Lyme Fire Department
David Jewett, Chief, Old Lyme Fire Department

Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:03p.m.~

Mr. Russell stated that in order to accommodate this evenings guests, a motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Garvin to review and move the minutes of February 23rd and March 2nd to the end of the meeting.  Motion carried.

204  Parks and Recreation

Mr. Bugbee highlighted a couple of non-recurring expenses for consideration.  He distributed handouts of the plumbing and carpentry work that is needed to upgrade the Hain’s Park bath house and bathroom area.   He has received quotes of approximately $14,000 to perform the work.  He also wanted to make the Board aware of future tennis court repairs to fix the cracks in the surface.  However, did not have a quote on the repair.  Mr. Bugbee stated that Little League’s funds were discontinued a couple of years ago and they have been taking care of their own grounds and expenses relating to Little League and are requesting funds of 80% ($3,280) from Old Lyme and 20% ($820) for the Town of Lyme.

Mr. Devoe questioned the increase of the parking attendant’s hours.  Mr. Bugbee said that he is anticipating opening the beach parking and bathrooms earlier, therefore, the hours will increase.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 9, 2010

Sound View Restroom Trailer Proposal

Ms. Fuller highlighted the history of the restroom facilities at the Sound View Beach area.  The Sound View Committee has been reviewing several restroom scenarios and various facilities that can be utilized at the Town parking lot at the end of Hartford Avenue.  She distributed literature on bathroom trailers, such as the type used at events such as GHO that can be rented or purchased for the Sound View Beach area.  Expenses associated with such a trailer include:
                Royal Flush, $750 per week x 13 weeks            $ 9,750
                Pumpouts at 2 times a week $500 x 13 weeks          6,500
                Cleaning - $300 week x 13                                   3,900
                Water and Electric Hook up                                  2,000
                Rent of one handicap portable toilet                           500
                Miscellaneous supplies/unforeseen                           2,350
                                                        Total                $25,000

There was a brief discussion on alternative funding vehicles and businesses willing to assist in the funding of restroom facilities.  Ms. Fuller stated that there are limited businesses to look towards for assistance in funding.

WPCA and R-10

Mr. Risom highlighted the WPCA budget.  There was no discussion regarding R-10 at this time.

After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve $24,613 for WPCA.  Motion carried.  

Public Works Request

Mr. Adanti said that Sound View beach area needs extra garbage cans, additional lids and a couple of benches before the summer season.  Therefore, is requesting $3,000 for garbage cans, lids and benches.

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mr. Kerr and passed unanimously to approve up to $3,000 from the current years’ budget for garbage cans,  lids, bags and a couple of benches.  Motion carried.     

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 9, 2010

205  Fire Services
205-0540  Old Lyme Fire Department

Mr. Pierson highlighted the operating budget of the Fire Department that included heat, electricity, telephone, building maintenance, supplies, technology, and miscellaneous which includes postage, office supplies, etc.  Technology and computers include a licensing fee, firefighting software and server operations.  Firefighting expenses decreased by 1.2% which includes paying for the engineers that maintain the trucks, apparatus fuel, repairs and preventative maintenance for nine fire trucks, consumable items, and compliance.   Firefighting equipment included protective equipment, fire hose and fittings, SCBA/PASS equipment, small tools, rescue equipment and communications equipment.  There is an increase in education and training seminars, which includes conferences and training materials for firefighters and EMS/MRT classes. Fire Prevention encompasses handouts and education of school children in town.

A motion was made by Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Devoe to approve $ 198,677.  Mr. Kerr abstained from voting.  Motion carried.

Mr. Russell requested a change in the agenda to accommodate another guest; therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to move Harbor Management up on the agenda.  Motion carried.

202-0200  Harbor Management Commission  

Mr. Delinks highlighted the functions of the Harbor Management Commission stating that the Harbor Management Commission acts as a sort of zoning agency below the high water mark.  One of the main functions is to assist public access to the waterways throughout Old Lyme. The Harbor Management Commission has growing concern about the need for dredging in various areas of Old Lyme’s waterways.  Areas that need to be dredged are:  The Black Hall River from the Shore Road bridge south to the state boat launch at Smith Neck, the Black Hall River from Smith Neck to Long Island Sound, Four Mile River, above and below the railroad bridge, and the entry to Lord’s Cove and town anchorage.

There is potential for State aid under a new low which allows a town to contract with the DOT under the Harbor Improvement Trust Fund.  In order to apply for state funds, the Harbor Management Commission needs to provide scientific analysis.  Therefore, the Harbor Management Commission is requesting approximately $20,000 for a study that would cover the historical review process and bathymetric (composition) and volumetric analysis. Mr. Delinks presented a proposal that would perform a historic review, preliminary bathymetric survey, needs assessment and volumetric analysis, as well as provide a summary report of the waterways of listed above.  No action was taken

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 9, 2010

201 General Government

201-0010  Selectman’s Office

Mr. Griswold detailed the Selectman’s Office budget.  There was a decrease in the Other/Miscellaneous line item.  

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mr. Garvin to approve $225,128.  Motion carried.   

201-0020  Town Clerk

Mr. Griswold outlined the Town Clerk’s budget and explained the expenses associated with Contracted Services and the Land Record Expense lines.  The expenses are fairly consistent from previous years.

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve $103,692.  Motion carried.   

201-0030  Tax Collector

Mr. Griswold highlighted the Tax Collector’s budget stating the staffing hasn’t changed from last year.  The Contracted Services is for Quality Data Company which provides the software and performs a variety of tasks, such as printing the tax bills.  Advertising has increased due to tax sales and foreclosure advertisings.

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mr. Woolley to approve $90,553.  Mr. Kerr abstained from voting because his mother is the Tax Collector.  Motion carried.         

201-0040  Treasurer

Mr. Griswold highlighted the Treasurer’s budget and stated that Contracted Services relates primarily to banking and the Town auditing services.  

A motion was made Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Woolley and passed unanimously to approve $152,821    .

201-0050  Registrars - Primaries and Referendums

The Registrars’ office budget was reviewed. The salaries are for the two Registrars and the wage line relates to the workers at the polls.  Printing represents printing of the voting ballots. The Primaries and Referendums amounts are based on historical election activity.

A motion was made Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $30,404.           
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 9, 2010

201-0060  Info Tech

Mr. Griswold explained that Info Tech account is new and consolidates computer training, GIS, licensing, laserfiche activity, the Town’s website and 50% of Ruth Roach who splits her time between the Tax Office and Info Tech.

A motion was made Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Devoe and passed unanimously to approve $70,279.     

201-0070  Probate Court

Mr. Griswold highlighted the Probate Court stating that next year there will be a relocation of the area Probate Court.  There are no changes within the various line items.

A motion was made Mr. Kerr, seconded Mr. Woolley and passed unanimously to approve $3,450.      

201-0080  Assessors

Mr. Griswold highlighted the Assessor’s office stating that there are no significant changes within their budget.

A motion was made Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $118,453.      

201-0090  Building

The Building Department budget was reviewed and it was noted that there is a decrease in the salary and education and training lines.

A motion was made Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mr. Garvin and passed unanimously to approve $89,579.      

201-0095  Health Department

Mr. Griswold stated that the contracted services consist of water testing, mosquito spraying, and geese control.  The salary for Dr. Sikand, the Health Director, has been moved out of their budget and into a separate line item. Mr. Kerr stated that he wants additional accountability for the goose control line.

A motion was made Mr. Garvin, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to approve $190,329. Mr. Kerr did not support the motion.  Motion carried.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        March 9, 2010

201-0100  Town Hall Expenses

Mr. Griswold stated that the Town Hall expenses include the base telephone cost, electricity, building supplies, computer consultant; Contracted services include the General Code ordinance book, telephone support services, cleaning service, window washing, area carpeting service, etc.  The computer consultant moved over to the Info Tech area.  

A motion was made Mr. Devoe, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $94,400.      

201-0110  Insurance

Mr. Griswold stated that there is an increase in the insurance premiums.  Doctor office visits will be increasing from $5 to $20.  Two employees elected not to take the insurance and will be paid $3,000 each for not using the Town’s insurance.  One volunteer firefighter uses the Town’s insurance and makes a 100% payment to the Town.  It is expected that employees will pay at least 10% of the insurance premium and that will be shown as revenue to the Town.  Mr. Griswold highlighted the expenses related with Life Insurance, Property/Liability, Workers Compensation, Fire Department and Bonds for Officials.

No action was taken.

201-0120  Special Deductions

Mr. Griswold stated that Special Deductions represents Social Security, Unemployment, Pensions and the Buyback for sick/vacation time.

A motion was made by Mr. Devoe seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve $340,540.

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Kerr and passed unanimously to move Boards and Commissions, Public Safety, and Transfer Station to the next Board of Finance meeting, March 16, 2010. Motion carried.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.  Budgets for Revenue and Capital Expense will be discussed.

A motion was then made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hayes-Finn, Secretary